Protected: Stakeholder Dashboard
Welcome to the Dashboard for Amplify BA. As a stakeholder, you have exclusive access to customized data reports. Please reach out for any specific information you may not find here—we’re happy to help.
Broken Arrow Demographics
Broken Arrow Demographics by BA Chamber
Demographics Cont. by BA Chamber
Business Support Requests
Business Support Requests by BA Chamber
Expansion Snapshot
Expansion Projects Snapshot by BA Chamber. Expansion projects consist of businesses who are expanding their current facilities or moving to larger facilities.
Attraction Snapshot
Attraction Projects Snapshot by BA Chamber. Attraction projects are businesses who are looking to come to Broken Arrow.
RFPs & Site Visits
Attraction Projects Snapshot by BA Chamber
City Economic Indicators
Sales Tax Revenue by BA Chamber
Inflow/Outflow Analysis of Broken Arrow
Inflow/Outflow by BA Chamber
Educational Attainment by Level
Educational Attainment by BA Chamber
Amplify BA Campaign
Fundraising by BA Chamber