The city’s large land area lends itself to all the best aspects of suburbia, while our low commute times and excellent traffic grid management make getting where you need to go easy. Broken Arrow makes it possible to get that suburban feel without being far from the action.
33 constituent neighborhoods in the city accounting for approximately 44,000 homes.
Median Home Value $175,129.
The average market rent in Broken Arrow is $1,464 per month.
Homeownership is approximately 73.8%.
Renters account for 25.9% of Broken Arrow Residents.
Broken Arrow typically runs with a 5% vacancy.
There are over 6,000 multifamily units in Broken Arrow with additional units under construction every period.
Market Sale Value per unit $86,800.
The average Market Rent in Broken Arrow Multifamily is $926 per month.
Broken Arrow’s Multifamily vacancy rate is 3.8%.
Growth in the Housing Market
According to the American Community Survey Broken Arrow’s household income is projected to increase by 2.08% from 2019-2024.
Broken Arrow’s population grew by 18% from 2008-2018.
There were 571 new construction housing starts in 2019 accounting for 25% increase in housing starts from 2018-2019.

Brio at The Rose
The City of Broken Arrow worked with a private developer in a public-private partnership to develop the $18 million, mixed-use building as a next step in the revitalization and development of Broken Arrow’s, main street corridor. The development has 31,000 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor and 96 apartments on the remaining levels. BRIO offers apartment and community amenities in the heart of Broken Arrow’s Rose District. Contemporary loft living featuring thoughtful floor plans and classic design elements.
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