Planning & Permitting
The City of Broken Arrow is ready to assist you with your planning and permitting needs.
The City of Broken Arrow has a pro-business approach to development is standing ready to assist with commercial or residential development in the community.
Tourism & Economic Development (TED)
The Tourism & Economic Development (TED) team works closely with the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce and the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation to make Broken Arrow an attractive place for businesses to locate. The division work to ensure existing businesses grow and thrive in Broken Arrow and facilitates retail development. Additionally, the division is the point of contact for tourism development.
Jennifer Rush, Economic Development Manager
Contact Jennifer to answer your questions on retail development incentives or host your event in the City of Broken Arrow.
918-259-2400 Ext 5309
Commercial & Residential Development
The Planning and Development Division reviews applications for land use, zoning, subdivision (plats), comprehensive plan amendments, special uses, variances, planned unit developments (PUD’s), site plans, and site engineering. Planning and Development may provide information relative to adopted codes and ordinances on urban design, architecture, and landscaping.
Jill Ferenc, Planning & Development Manager
Contact Jill to answer questions on zoning or the development process.
918-259-2400, Ext. 5426
Business Registration & Licenses
The Community Permitting and Licensing Division, located at the north end of City Hall, accepts and facilitates the tracking and recording of all required departmental actions. Permits are required for any type of structure being built within the City.
Justin DeBruin, Urbanism and Sustainability Manager
Contact Justin to obtain the proper business licenses to operate your business in Broken Arrow.
918-259-2400, Ext. 5337