Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation

The Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation stands ready to assist you with your location, expansion, workforce and data needs. Please don’t hesitate to contact one of our staff members to get connected.

James Bell

President & CEO

Amber Miller

Vice President of Economic Development

De’Andre Fahie

Director of Talent Attraction & Workforce Development

Bradley Sheofee

Business Retention & Expansion Manager

Mindy Lyons

Marketing & Research Manager

Morgan Stanley

Office Manager

City of Broken Arrow

The City of Broken Arrow is a close partner of the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation. Their expert team in Tourism and Economic Development stands ready to assist you with all city and retail matters.

Tourism & Economic Development (TED)

The Tourism & Economic Development (TED) team works closely with the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce and the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation to make Broken Arrow an attractive place for businesses to locate. The division work to ensure existing businesses grow and thrive in Broken Arrow and facilitates retail development. Additionally, the division is the point of contact for tourism development.

Jennifer Rush, Economic Development Director, City of Broken Arrow

Contact Jennifer to answer your questions on retail development, retail incentives or host your event in the City of Broken Arrow.
918-259-2400 Ext. 5309