Across the street from Spring Creek Elementary School
Short distance from Walmart and Restaurants
Easy access from the Creek Turnpike
Frontage on the Creek Turnpike
- Broker First Name: Sheila
- Broker Last Name: Cooper
- Broker Company: Bauer & Associate Realtors
- Broker Address 1: 6846 S Canton Ave, Suite 100
- Broker City: Tulsa
- Broker State: Oklahoma
- Broker Zip Code: 74136
- Broker Telephone: 918-665-1210
- Broker Fax: 918-665-6462
- Broker Email Address:
- Broker Website URL:
- ED First Name: Vincent
- ED Last Name: Snelling
- ED Company: Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation
- ED Address 1: 210 N Main St, Suite C
- ED City: Broken Arrow
- ED State: Oklahoma
- ED Zip Code: 74012
- ED Telephone: 918-893-2107
- ED Cellphone: 918-408-1430
- ED Email Address:
- ED Website URL:
- Status: Available
- Available Acres: 36.92
- Contiguous Acres: 36.92
- Max Contiguous Acres: 36.92
- Building Land Type: Commercial, Industrial
- Is For Sale: Yes
- Sale Price: $2,769,000
- Is For Lease: No
- Rail Name 1: Union Pacific
- Rail Distance 1: 11
- Interstate Name 1: Interstate 44
- Interstate Distance 1: 14
- Highway Name 1: HWY 51/US 64
- Highway Distance 1: 11
- Highway Name 2: HWY 169
- Highway Distance 2: 7
- Port Name 1: Port of Catoosa
- Port Distance 1: 25
- Port Name 2: Port of Muskogee
- Port Distance 2: 42
- Airport Name 1: Tulsa International
- Airport Distance 1: 20
- Address1: 121st Between Elm St. and Lynn Lane
- Address City: Broken Arrow
- Address County: Tulsa
- Address State: Oklahoma
- Zip Code: 74011
- Site Size (Acres): 36.92
- Is Featured: No
- Latitude (Geo-coded): 35.99
- Longitude (Geo-coded): -95.79